Monday, April 10, 2006

Problems with Registration

I only got in two rides this past week. I did an 18 mile ride on 04/03 and a 57.61 miler on Saturday 04/08. I went to St Louis for a Hockey game and was gone Thursday and Friday. When I arrived back home, Robert informed me his registration form for the Etape had been returned. I then discovered mine had been returned as well. It seems the organization is insisting that we have a medical stamp with the medical license number of the physician. Over here in the USA, doctors don't necessarily have a stamp. I had checked with Cyclomundo about this before I sent anything in since the instructions called for a stamp and they said we could have the doctor sign in the space provided. We did that and we had the medical license number in there as well. This apparently has worked in the past few years, at least for Cyclomundo. They sent an email stating they didn't understand the problem this year. Anyway, we have to get a stamp or draft a medical letterhead stating we are "fit to ride in cycling races". Ok, we have doctors all over the place here to do that. My father is a medical doctor and he signed the first forms but he never had any kind of stamp. I had a physical in February from my primary care physician and all came out well, but he didn't have a stamp either. I'll have a letter drafted. I hope that works.

I rode 18 miles Monday, none Tuesday, should ride Wednesday

Total mileage to date: 330
Total hours: 23.25
Current weight: 159 (goal 145)


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